Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Reverse Missionary Position

When we went to Guatemala in the past we would bring crates of medications because we couldn't get them there. Now, thanks to the FDA and CMS and Obamas war on "evil drug corporations" we have daily email alerts of what medications are in short supply or back order at all the medical centers our group covers. Important things like amirodorone and lidocaine drips for your heart attack, phenergan, reglan and zofran for nausea, narcan, ativan, fentynl and propofol. Pretty much everything used for anesthesia. The good thing is that we can get all of these in Guatamala! So now, instead of medical missionary teams bringing life saving medications to Guatamala, we are bringing them back!


SeaSpray said...
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SeaSpray said...

Throckmorton, are physicians and medical facilities raising Holy Heck? How can this even be ALLOWED to happen? And are people dying/suffering needlessly because of this egregious situation?

Maybe you don't have the answers to my questions, but ...I sure hope this will be corrected for the good of everyone.

I really do not understand how this can be happening and it is alarming! I imagine frustrating and infuriating for physicians and other medical staff.

Maybe it's me .. but it seems that so many things we have known to be right, reliable, etc.,no longer are. It's like everything is upside down.

It is also sad.

I think it is admirable that you do missionary work... reverse missionary or not. :)

SeaSpray said...

Hey Throckmorton - at least a couple of years ago you wrote a post about certain psychology tests. Do you remember what type of tests/what they are called?

If I am remembering correctly, they indicated whether people were feeling oriented, analytical, science, etc., ...and I'd like to take it again now.

I took it twice back then and came up with 2 different interpretations and I am curious to see what the results would be now.

Thank you.

Have a great week! :)

SeaSpray said...

You are missed. Hope all is well and enjoying spring season. :)