Friday, August 24, 2007

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

Finally made it back. Boy have I been terrified lately, it seems that every new patient that I have seen has had cancer. Luckily, we can help most of them. But I digress. I have often thought that the best way to fix our tort system was for the attorneys to start to feed on themselves and last week I got my change to help it along.

A local attorney has helped a group of people bring suit against their employer for disability due to noise induced hearing loss. When the plaintiffs had their hearing test, they all showed evidence of malingering. Apparently, their attorney did not know that an audiogram is very good at picking up fakers and in fact can often prove it. He had advised his clients to feint greater hearing loss for greater value in court. When the plaintiffs were confronted with the evidence that they had tried to rig the test, they uniformly reported that their attorney had advised them to do so.

Presently the issue is now before the judge, the defending attorney has moved to have the case dismissed, and the prior plaintiffs have retained an attorney to sue the original plaintiffs attorney for malpractice. It is all quite interesting.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hi, I've been enjoying your blog for a while now. The only complaint I have is that you don't post often enough.

I keep coming back to this post because I don't understand it. Nothing unusual for me, though. LOL.

Based on the information in your blog, I've made the assumption you are a surgeon. An attending. Being non-medical though, I admit my assumptions have a 50-50 chance of being wrong, so please correct me if I am wrong. That is where my question comes in.

You write "I have often thought that the best way to fix our tort system was for the attorneys to start to feed on themselves and last week I got my chance to help it along."

How did you help it along? I only ask because I am either way off in my assumption that you are a surgeon, or I don't understand what you do and would like to learn more about it.

I agree that most pi attorneys are the scum of the earth, but they are usually smart. They have to be to stay in the business. Bringing a pi suit on a contingent fee basis is expensive. And if they aren't smart, they usually know enough to hire people who are knowledgeable and can provide (or produce) evidence that will help sway a jury to reach a decision in favor of the plaintiffs. This guy sounds more green than dumb, especially if he advised his clients to lie. I appreciate you taking the time to blog about your work and let us non-medical folks have a glimpse of your life. I look forward to your answer to my question.