I was up in the trauma ICU making rounds when we got the word that we were on divert for trauma due to lack of beds. Since we are the only level 1 trauma center for a huge area this is a big deal. I looked glanced at Fern the ward clerk and before I could even ask she said 18 between here and the SICU. This was the number of illegals or "undocumented" as the Feds say filling the ICUs. She then added there are 33 altogether on the trauma service. (There were three with the same name and same drivers liscence number but that is a different story.)
I would love to bring together the ACLU and our Congressmen and make them be the ones to explain to the greiving husband why his wife, mother of their three kids, school teacher and taxpaying citizen had to be sent 3 hours away while she bled to death because the Trauma Center that is payed for by her tax dollars that could have saved her life was too busy taking care of illegal immigrants. I wonder if he would feel consoled by the fact that the illeagal immigrant, drug dealing, gang banging MS13 member who took the last bed in the ICU was going to be fine as were most of the other illegals that filled the trauma service.