(The sudden blind eye secondary to parasitic infections) Our University hospital had 34 deliveries last week of children born to illegeals. Of course, these children immediately get WIC, Medicaid and other state and Federal Support. So do their parents. I can't figure out why a few months ago the whole illeagal immigrant crisis was in the news, but now with huge government spending and massive job losses, no one has pointed out that there are millions of illeagals sapping the very jobs and tax dollars that the American Citizens need.
In medicine parasitic infections make wound healing and growth difficult if not impossible, parasites stagnate the host, when you increase the number of parasites the host dies. Parasitic infections are a common cause of amaurosis fugax in the third world and now apparently in the US.
In medicine parasitic infections make wound healing and growth difficult if not impossible, parasites stagnate the host, when you increase the number of parasites the host dies. Parasitic infections are a common cause of amaurosis fugax in the third world and now apparently in the US.
Another great analogy!
I agree with you 100%!
Btw... I'm skeeved to think that pic is of something that can feed on someone internally. I've heard about things that can be picked up and festering under the skin or getting really long inside of someone.
One woman complained about pulling fibers out of her and no one could diagnose it and blew her off as a psych case until one doctor opened up a section and there were worms or something. I don't recall and I think it was so horrifying that I blocked it. ;)
Totally off topic... and maybe I am still venting... and *maybe* I am overreacting... but I have to tell you...I am one LIVID patient!
posting later!
Livid, why?
STILL upset! I hoped if I slept on it I would feel better. I do not!
On a lighter note...well I think it's funny...I heard on the news this morning that the French don't like the President's new bailout plan...they think it is too socialistic.
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