Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Obamatrophic parasites

Parasites are a problem, but they are a fact of life. They live by feeding on the host, taking not earning. Many organisms have atleast learned to use them, at at least get something from them. These organisms have made the parasites, biotrophic parasites, parasite that actually can help the host. They are not symbionts because the host can live well without them but at least the parasites are partially paying their way and the host might actually do better. Like all parasites, however, if there are too many, the host dies. There are also necrothrophic parasites that just eventually kill the host. Then there are Obamatrophic parasites. These are necrotrophic parasites that just live on the host and try to multiply to the point that the host dies, and biotrophic parasites that are organized to believe that they dont have to contribute to the host anymore and in fact that they are entitled to the hosts resources. These Obamatrophic parasites work only to support the condition that helps them not contribute.

I operated on a HR rep from a large company. They are looking for 300 people. The jobs start at $13/hr plus benefits. They cant get enough applicants (well there are enough but they are illeagals). Why would you want to go to work when you can get $300/week for free from the Feds and state, free healthcare, housing, food? Especially when it is just extened for another 4 months. Hey thats over two years of just sleeping in, watching TV and playing XBOX! Why would anyone want to work?


SeaSpray said...
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SeaSpray said...

I know two people doing that now. One got more than 22,000 in the last couple of years in unemployment and she didn't work for the physicians billing company that long. They laid her off. I may've told you that already.

My other friend laid off from CBS just loving her summer... and unemployment. I'm not saying she doesn't deserve it. and the market is difficult. But you are right ..people will *not* be as motivated when it keeps coming in... especially if they are not the main bread winner.

Yet ...many people genuinely do need it. So what do you do? This particular friend would hire people and told me that when they advertised for help many resumes come in and many were overqualified, but needed work.

In the medical reception field around here ..there is zip! I even keep some local hospital sites on line and where a few years ago .. they all offered multiple opportunities in work I do or could do if wanted to switch a bit .. now? ZIP! Unbelievable! I think they must have a hiring freeze, having current staff cover open positions,and people aren't leaving their jobs.

I look at employment sites on line for reception work and they are all quite a hike a way ..even down to central jersey. And now ..our local paper doesn't even list medical jobs separately but lists them under general because so few jobs to advertise overall.

And I've thought well ..maybe just get an office job if possible ..but and maybe I am wrong ..i feel like it would be boring compared to medical. Since I didn't do what I initially intended to do way back when .. I found my niche with medical.

But someone had a good idea. They suggested I look into a temp agency. And I know sometimes companies offer those position to the temps they like and medical offices use them too.

And some of son's friends home from college could not get jobs this year. They always could before. I think adults are taking them.

Anyway ..I haven't actually tried for anything yet and so maybe I will be pleasantly surprised when I do. Hope so. :)

SeaSpray said...
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SeaSpray said...
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SeaSpray said...

Ha! Sorry about all the deleted comments. Google telling me it can't take my comment, but was posting it every time I hit publish.